What you focus on EXPANDS

The Law of Concentration:

Whatever you dwell upon grows  OR What you focus on E X P A N D S

Brian Tracey writes “the Law of Subconscious Activity states
that any idea or thought you accept as true in your conscious mind will be
accepted without question by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious will
immediately begin working to bring it into you reality.”

“Your subconscious
mind regulates the type of information from your environment that you will see,
hear and be aware of. It will sensitize you to any information that you’ve told
it is important. “

What is your reality? Where is your focus?

You might have heard the expression “You reap what you sow.”
If you plant oats, you get oats. You can’t plant oats and get barley. Successful
people have developed the ability to concentrate on the things that are
important to them without being side tracked.
They have disciplined themselves to think and talk about what they want
to achieve and avoid topics that distract them from their purpose.

I know each of you have your own goals and dreams of
success. Are you really focused on these goals? Do you concentrate on the only
the activities that will help you achieve these goals or do you let others
steer you away? No one or nothing is to blame. You and only you can accomplish
what you desire. You have to put yourself in the right place with the right
people to seize the opportunities that will drive you closer to your goals.

Several of us are at Mega Agent Camp to put ourselves in the
right environment to help us revive our passion in the business and put our
mindset back on track. We look forward to bringing back this great information
to you next week.

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